Delivering within 7 miles of M1 1EX exclusively for Valentine's Day orders: 13th-16th Feb

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 🎗

October marks #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth and we're super excited to be working with Prevent Breast Cancer Charity UK on one of their remarkable campaigns. They are visiting various places across Manchester, encouraging women of screening age to make time for the mammogram. It's so important to find the time - early detection saves lives!


This gorgeous flower display was created by our talented team at Giraffe Flowers, purposely for our friends at Prevent Breast Cancer as they travel across the city. Beautiful pink rose boobs on a background of green foliage - now if that doesn't grab your attention, we don't know what will.

The team really enjoyed putting this concept together, and we sincerely hope that it helps spread the word and encourages you to check your boobs ladies!