Fresh Flowers & plants available for collection or Manchester Delivery within 7 miles of our store: M1 1EX

Our Florists

Find us in the Northern Quarter - Manchester

Giraffe Flowers are a Manchester City Centre based florist located on 81 Newton Street, Northern Quarter, M1 1EX.

Opening Hours

Mon - 10am-5pm
Tue - 10am-5pm
Wed - 10am-5pm
Thu - 10am-5pm
Fri - 10am-5pm
Sat - 10am-5pm
Sun - 11am-5pm

Giraffe Flowers officially opened the NQ florist on 12 September 2022. Here we create fresh bouquets of all types, as well as selling a variety of plants, gifts and helium balloons.

Our shop accepts both card and cash payments, so the choice is yours!