Fresh Flowers & plants available for collection or Manchester Delivery within 7 miles of our store: M1 1EX

Hello Shopify

We're super pleased to announce that we're now on Shopify! Which means that shopping for flowers and plants on our website just got a whole lot easier.

Easier add-ons

Adding a vase? Typing a gift message? Now on our shiny new Shopify, add-ons and extras is so much simpler, so you can just customise your product before adding it to the basket.

Simplified checkout

Once you've chosen your products and you're ready to view the basket, the step-by-step process is super quick and easy. First up, choose to add any notes to the order, and then use the calendar to select your chosen delivery date.

Then you'll be given the option on the next page to choose either Local Delivery (within a 9 mile radius of our Manchester shop) or Pickup.

Loads of payment choices

In a rush? Apple or Google Pay is all ready for you to quickly buy your favourites. We also take Klarna for the ideal buy now, pay later solution, and Paypal for pure convenience. We of course take all major credit and debit cards too, and also accept American Express. Woop!

Keeping you in the loop

Our automated emails are handy too (and they won't bug you). We'll just fire you a quick email with all the latest on your order from confirmation right through to delivery. Easy peasy.

Explore our website yourself and let us know what you think. Shop now.